Find Out the Benefits of Watermelons and their Nutritional Content, Check the Facts Here! - Hello, Buahpedia friends, this time I will discuss about watermelons. Who is sis who is not familiar with this one fruit? Surely you are familiar with watermelons, right?

Benefits of watermelon
A Million Fruit Rich Benefits
In the dry season, during the day it's best to eat watermelon. The sweet taste and high water content make us no longer feel thirsty.

Watermelons or pottery (Citrullus lanatus, cucumber or Cucurbitaceae) are vines that originate in the semi-desert regions of southern Africa.

This fruit is very easy for us to find, both in traditional markets, supermarkets, and supermarkets. The price is relatively friendly in the pocket, sis.

Watermelon, including vines, can reach dozens of meters. This fruit is usually eaten directly in a fresh state, made juice, or made a fruit salad.

Watermelon has a hard skin, dark green or light green with dark green lines. Depending on the type, there are melons that have red or yellow flesh.

Then what are the content of watermelon? Based on several studies conducted by scientists, the content of watermelon is very much, and can affect the health of the human body.
Nutritional content of watermelon
Nutrition in 1 cup of water

From a study it is said that in 1 cup of water the watermelon juice contains various nutrients, as follows:

  • 43 Calories
  • 0% fat
  • 2 milligrams of Sodium
  • 11 grams of carbohydrates
  • 9 grams of sugar
  • 1 gram of fiber
  • 17% Vitamin A
  • 21% Vitamin C
  • 2% iron
  • 1% Calcium
  • 92% water

With so much nutritional content, the benefits of this watermelon fruit is also very much you know, friend.

Here are the benefits of watermelon for our health:

1. Prevent dehydration

Because water content in watermelon reaches 92%, watermelon is very suitable to prevent dehydration when the water needs in the body cannot be met.

2. Maintain eye health

The content of vitamin A in watermelons can help maintain our eye health. By consuming 100 grams of watermelon regularly, can help sharpen eyesight. In addition, the eye is also not easy to experience health problems, such as farsightedness.

3. Improve brain work

The content of vitamin B6 in watermelon has an important role to help the brain carry out its functions.

4. Contains lycopene

A glass of watermelon juice contains about 1.5 times more lycopene compared to a large tomato. Lycopene is an antioxidant that can help prevent damage to cells due to free radicals.

Besides lycopene can also help increase endurance. Lycopene can also help reduce the risk of cancer.

5. Can reduce muscle pain

Many studies have shown that a glass of watermelon juice can reduce muscle pain. Drinking watermelon juice is recommended after doing sports or workouts.

6. Helps to lose weight

Watermelon is a fruit that is low in calories and high in water content so that it can help you lose weight. Watermelons can also be included in your diet program menu.
Watermelon fact
Watermelon fact

Here are the facts of watermelon that you might not have known, Buahpedia:

Do you know if this watermelon is classified as a fruit and vegetable? During this time my friend would think that the watermelon is classified as a type of fruit. But, watermelon is also included in the vegetable category, you know, friend.

Why can it be said as a vegetable? The problem is that watermelons grow like fruit in general, which starts with flowers. On the other hand, watermelons grow in the garden with other vegetables. This watermelon includes a pumpkin family or is still a relative with cucumbers and pumpkins.

Usually we eat watermelon fruit is only the flesh. But, there is another fact from this watermelon. Watermelons can be eaten entirely. In China, watermelons are usually fried or boiled. Whereas in the Middle East, watermelon seeds are usually dried and then roasted to be a tasty snack.

Farmers in Japan can plant watermelons in various forms that are not the same as they should. Farmers in Japan have succeeded in planting watermelons with squares, hearts and even face shapes. All of that takes about 40 years to produce this unique watermelon.

There are at least 1200 types of watermelons in the world. What is familiar to us is the type of watermelon that is red, yellow and orange. Watermelon with yellow flesh usually has a sweeter taste compared to watermelon that has red flesh.

That was a little about the watermelon. Hopefully this is useful for you guys.

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